Fr. Mark Mitchell
John Whitehouse 630-987-9093
Ken Meeker 630-430-9879
The National Cursillo Movement is based on friendship with self, Christ and others. Therefore, as friends, we should make every effort to avoid problems, issues, conflict, etc. in the Movement. Problems, issues, conflict, etc. are referred as special concerns in Cursillo. Friendship should never be jeopardized because of a special concern. God’s mercy and grace are greater than any problem we have.
Chicago (English)
Detroit (English)
Gary (English)
Gaylord (English)
Grand Rapids (English)
Fort Wayne-South Bend (English)
Green Bay (English)
Joliet (English)
Kalamazoo (English)
Lansing (English)
Milwaukee (English)
Rockford (English)
Saginaw (English)
Toledo (English)
Chicago (Spanish)
Detroit (Spanish)
Joliet (Spanish)
Kalamazoo (Spanish)
Milwaukee (Spanish)
Peoria (Spanish)
Grand Rapids (Spanish)
Rockford (Spanish)
Toledo (Spanish)
Chicago (Vietnamese)
Grand Rapids (Vietnamese)
United States National Cursillo Movement Operational Bylaws 11-16-2024 (pdf)
DownloadDues are invoced annual in the amount of $200. If paid via credit card/paypal we add a 3.5% service fee.
Dues are due on October 1st of each year.